Download Aura Kasih-Demi Cinta MP3 and Lyric Free

This is another Aura Kasih song : Demi Cinta from the most popular Aura Kasih Album : Malaikat Penggoda. You can download this song and/or copy the lyric and cord guitar for testing only here from Free 4 Free. Find the download link and the lyric below this post.

It's strongly recommended to buy the Original CD / DVD or set this song as Ring Back Tone (RBT) to support their effort so they can continue to conducting their creative art songs.

ArtistAura Kasih
AlbumMalaikat Penggoda
TitleDemi Cinta
File TypeMP3
File Size4292 KB

Download This MP3

:: Aura Kasih - Demi Cinta ::

Kembali padaku walau sakit
ku kan mencintaimu
Takkan ku lepaskan
kau pergi tinggalkanku
Walau ku tahu kau kan begitu

Sakiti aku..
Khianati aku..
Sampai puas hatimu..
Menyakiti aku..

Back to **, Reff*

Sakiti aku..
Hianati aku..
Hanya Tuhan yang tahu..
Isi hatiku..

To Copy the lyric in Firefox, please use left click mouse and drag to highlight then press Ctrl + C. Jika anda menggunakan firefox, untuk nge-copy lirik silahkan blok pake klik kiri terus tekan tombol Ctrl + C.

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